Hello, I have some important questions to ask in order to evaluate the use of your custom theme development tool for WordPress:
– I would like to know if the premium version of your tool is completely white-label. Is it possible to hide the use of the framework for my website so that my professor cannot detect it?
– With your tool, is it possible to create templates to apply to custom post types?
– Can your tool be used to create templates for the 404 page?
– Can I create templates to apply to post type archives using your tool?
– Is it possible to create global CSS rules for my custom theme using your tool?
– Through template creation, is it possible to apply them only to specific types of posts?
– Is it possible to create global CSS rules for my custom theme using your tool?
I have already consulted the FAQs and followed some tutorials, but some information was not clear. I am eagerly awaiting your response to proceed. Thank you very much.